• Question: What do you do as a scientist, I find it hard tom imagine. I mean like you get in to work in the morning and then what happens?

    Asked by issi xxx to Joe, Jos, Kate, Lisa, Pierre on 11 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Kate Dobson

      Kate Dobson answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      First I usually make a cup of tea, turn on computer and go through my email. Then I usually send a few hours working on data analysis, or planning the next experiment. I have a lot of reading to do to make sure I keep up to date with what other people are working on, and then I have to write up my analysed results as well so that other people know what I am doing. I may have some samples to prepare in the laboratory, or some equipment to design or test. About once a week I spend some time in the laboratory doing some scanning and getting 3D images of my (and other peoples) rocks. We then have talks to go to given by our colleagues and visitors telling us about what they are working on (sometimes this leads to new joint projects). If I am on a synchrotron experiment or in the field it’s very different but most of the time I am based at the university and it’s a mixture of all the things I’ve mentioned above.

    • Photo: Lisa Simmons

      Lisa Simmons answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      As soon as I get to work I start on my email, whilst having a cup of tea. I then usually teach in the morning, so spend some time in the lab with the students helping them with their experiments. After that if I haven’t got any meetings, I like to meet with my PhD students and work on our research projects, either in the lab doing experiments, or going through data analysis.
