• Question: how do you feel about global warming

    Asked by 284tema24 to Jos, Kate, Lisa on 20 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Kate Dobson

      Kate Dobson answered on 20 Nov 2014:

      I think it’s real, and that it is a mna made problem. There is a lot of evidence that supports this, and the last international report had hundreds of scientists who helped to wite it, and was based on the work of thousdands of reserachers.

      Most scientists actually find it quite annoying that whenever anyone talks about climate change on TV it is preseted as a debate, and both sides are usually represented evenly. I find this a strage thing given how one sided the evidence is. There are still some people that believe that evolution isn’t real either, most scientists do beleive it though and when it is mentioned on TV there’s no debate and all you have are the facts. It makes me think a lot about how science is portrayed on TV and on the news.
